Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cocktails with Gert!

Well, best intentions -

Mom and I had plans to go to the movies (Sex in the City) but, when I came home from running errands, she was napping so let her catch up on some z's.

I did, however, manage to get Mom out of the house last night and onto a bar stool. Went to La Mexicana, a very small mexican restaurant/bar here by the house. Mom really likes the food and the people love her there. So, took her in and propped her up at that bar with a whiskey sour. Played Keno and actually won $52 - covered the tab for Bobbi, Phil, Mom and me. Not a bad take.

Decided that Cape Cod is not the best place to head in late July. Put a post up on Fodor's website and all who responded told me to stay clear. Very tough traffic and few places to stow an RV mean that we'll head for a different path. Not exactly sure where to go, but we already have some stops planned. Might take Mom to the library today and sit in front of an atlas to start the planning. Yes, we can do it on the internet but, for Mom, paper works better. She really is an amazing woman, inside and out. Having a lot of fun with her this summer.

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