Friday, June 18, 2010

More tales from the Bay house vacation

I'm afraid I got caught up in daily life and have been remiss in documenting the rest of our vacation to the Bay house.

After my brothers and their families left and there was just Bobbi, John, Sharyn, Gert and me, we decided to head down to the casino to try our luck (more like try Mom's luck).

So, we bellied on up to a casino slot machine after, of course, stopping for a cocktail at the outdoor bar - no sense wasting a perfectly good happy hour. Anyway, Mom split a $100 into 5 twenties and found a machine that was, of course, the farthest away from the aisle as she could get, thereby making it quite a challenge to get her back there. Sans wheelchair but avec the will to gamble, she tottled over to her machine supported on all sides by her entourage. I'm certain that the other gamblers must have thought she was famous, the way all of us were buzzing around her. The truth was we wanted to make sure she didn't fall and thereby blow the rest of our vacation!\

Anyway, she put $20 in the machine, and, after a short primer by me about how to hit the buttons, etc, she was off. And, man, OFF SHE WAS. Here's her very first pull on the machine:

 Now, this was a pretty damned good start and the key to gambling is to leave a winner so, of course, we stayed. After all, if that was the first pull, what would be the second? Long story short, she ended up walking out with $60 some bucks up - enough to treat to the next round. Sharyn and I didn't do nearly as well, in fact, I'm not sure either of us cashed out! Oh well...that's what money is for. Bobbi and John, wisely, decided to hold onto their dollars so they walked out winners in their own rights.
It was interesting to me to watch her gambling response increase. At first, I had to work with her to help her with the hands and drawing to the 5 card draw game but, after about 5 minutes, she was seeing hands that I was missing. The gambling spirit is well and alive within Gert.

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