Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

However, in this most recent episode, I'm not sure who's the apple and who's the tree....

I figured out a way to sort of trick Mom into drinking more water. When I give her her pills in the morning, I just sort of "forget" one so she'll have to drink water with one group of pills, and then she'll have to have more water with the 'forgotten' pill. It's an extra sip of water and, let me tell you, that extra sip can make the difference between a confused Gertie and my regular old Mom.
 A bit of background to this story too. Mom has at least 2 breakfasts in the morning - one is around 7 and consists of a full cup of coffee (which just delights her every day) and a piece of toast. I then tuck her back in bed for a nap before breakfast #2 - a waffle, oatmeal or something like that. I used to give her another half cup of coffee with breakfast #2 but the extra coffee upsets her stomach sometimes so I dropped that out of the routine - she was not pleased (Readers: don't worry - Carina always sneaks her a half cup in the afternoon so she's not missing anything!). And, as an aside, here's a great Squidoo lens my friend Peggy did on a half cup of coffee: click HERE...

Ok, on to my story...

I thought I was pretty sly by figuring out a way to sneak in the extra sip of water until...

I tried the ploy this morning. When I handed her the 'forgotten' pill and the water glass, she definitely stared me down. I really thought she wouldn't have figured out what I was doing but, shoot, I was wrong. And that was evident after she took her extra pill with a bit of water, she looked at me - quietly pondering this situation. Just looked at me. Staring me down. I'm staring back. She then says:

I thought I'd take that extra pill with a bit of coffee....

Shoot. I'd been caught. And, here's the video to prove it...You'll note that she got her extra cup of coffee...

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